Think about it. Wear that warm and wooly reindeer sweater to your next festive holiday event and what’ll you get? An itchy, itchy rash and plenty of odd looks.
Wear one of our fabulous, silky-sexy, one-of-a-kind pieces and what’ll you get?

Experts say the results will range from admiring glances to indecent proposals.
Here in the Northwest you’ll soon have a chance to see and buy a wide range of Halter Hotties goodies when we journey over the river and through the woods to Bellevue for the Bellevue Club Bazaar from
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 21.
This is not your grandmother’s holiday Bazaar: artists, artisans and a wide range of specialty craft providers will join forces at Bellevue’s premiere health and fitness club (complete with luxury hotel!)
The Bazaar had a two-year hiatus while the space was undergoing renovation, and we’re anticipating that it’s going to be an amazing event. Check out the map and directions through this link:
And lest we forget! Since we’re so overcome by the spirit of the giving season, we’re offering up one of our aromatherapy eye pillows (retail value $24) for each Halter Hotties top sale. Flax seed gives each one of these pillows the perfect weight; iced or warmed up they’re a great stress-reducer for yourself or a fabulously unique gift idea!
Smell that?
That’s the magic of the holidays!
Experience it with us on November 21 at the Bellevue Club Holiday Bazaar!!
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