Like Dove Chocolates, Project Runway, and halter tops, the vampire series has sucked us in, mesmerizing us even before we gazed into Robert Pattinson’s delightfully moody eyes.
And now that we’re less than a week from the cinema opening of New Moon, our daydreams have run away with us…

a little trip to Forks inspired by Halter Hotties' Midnight Blood silk halter top.

The air was heavy with a moist chill as she huddled into her vintage velvet coat, pulling the collar up to protect her cold and vulnerable neck. As the ferry neared its destination, she felt a compulsion she couldn’t understand, a need to feel
the environment that drew her inexorably to her fate.

The breeze swirled her skirt ( ) against her hose, creating goosebumps on her thighs. As she disembarked the water craft, she felt a shiver run the course of her spine, followed by a heat of longing deep in her solar plexus, a heat that
traveled with a slow, determined weight further down her core.

He was here. She could feel him.
She stopped, her head slowly turned on its own volition, and her eyes locked on a pair of seductive eyes, eyes that beckoned, apologized, and asked for nothing all at once.
“You’ve come,” his low, quiet voice came through the mist to her soul: had he even said anything? Did she hear him only in her mind?
“I’m thirsty,” she whispered.
She stepped into the warmth of his car, and didn’t question the destination.
The car stopped on a deserted road, hidden in the many intertwined limbs of huge old-growth trees.
She shivered again, and a curious sense of desire overcame her fear.
“Cold?” he asked wordlessly, and she shook her head, aware suddenly that she was burning with the heat of fever.
“Have this,” he offered, pulling a flask out of his coat, where it had lain in its pocket, nestled against his breast. She looked at the flask and met his penetrating gaze.
She should have asked about the crimson liquid in the ornate pewter-encased glass container. She shouldn’t have opened the top, handed it to him, and rested the flask to her lips.
She shouldn’t have swallowed.
At once, every cell in her body vibrated, energized as never before. She became liquid and fire, life and lust.
She turned to him and handed him the flask and turned away. She opened the car door and glanced back at him, inviting him into her with his eyes. In the light of the moon she untied the belt around her waist and allowed her coat to fall off her shoulders, allowed it to pool around her feet.
Still in the car, watching mesmerized as she stood with her back to him, he gasped at the expanse of pale, exposed flesh tempting him.

The halter top she wore allowed him the kind of access he would never have dreamed about or dared to ask for.
She turned around and seduced him with her smile, luring him out of the safety of his car.
He walked toward her, his thoughts as blood-red as the silk of her top; she turned her head and stretched her neck coyly.
“How do you like my top?” she asked impishly.
“uh. Wow.”
She giggled; for a man who communicated directly to her brain, he wasn’t being particularly eloquent right now.
Then again, he was a man entranced.
“It’s a Halter Hotties,” she murmured, right as his lips, mouth, tongue, and finally, teeth, met her warm and welcoming flesh.
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