Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Halter Hotties + Sale = Generatin’ Some Heat over Here!!

Call it “post-Bellevue bazaar dementia”, call it “we don’t want to see our halter tops placed neatly away (we’d rather see them sold)” or, even call it “seasonal glad tidings” – whatever name you put on it, we’re calling it “SALE!”
We know that post-turkey-meal letdown… the looming stress of holiday shopping and parties… the fervent desire to turn that boy’s head away from the football game…
So we want to help boost your spirits!! For a short time we’re making it more compelling for you to buy yourself (or your favorite Hottie) one of our exclusively awesome, vintage spectacular, silky-good halter tops:
We’re marking our prices down 30%
November 27 to November 29.
Yeah, you’re right to tremble in excitement, because that’s a great deal on a blouse you’re absolutely certain not to see on your best frienemy! It’s the kind of one-of-a-kind classic clothing article that brings together all kinds of feel-good components: repurposing vintage scarves means we’re saving a little bit of the planet one garment at a time without compromising quality or workmanship since we control both by doing all the work in-house here in the USA… Meanwhile our sexy styling subtly skims certain body parts while blatantly baring others.
It’s the kind of garment you can wear year-round… Demure enough for a day at the office, brazen enough for the hottest of dates. Best of all, it has all the best multiple-personality traits of that not-quite-best-friend, not-quite-enemy of yours: It looks one way when you wear it now with boots, tights, and a tailored skirt, then wear it next summer with your favorite sandals and well-worn cut-off jeans, and it’s a completely different piece!
So let’s recap: we’re creating versatility and quality, AND we’re turning around and putting it all on sale!
Sure, it’s a little nuts (but you’ll be nuttier if you pass this up!!)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Even More Compelling Reasons to find your way to Bellevue: Halter Hotties Offer Halter Tops and Jewelry ON SALE!!
Call it temporary running-around-trying-to-prep-for-the-Bazaar insanity, call it a surge of holiday gift-giving spirit, or just call it a Really Good Thing: Whatever you call it, the end result is SALE! SALE!! SALE!!!
Saturday at the Bellevue Club Holiday Bazaar we’re offering our halter tops and jewelry at 20% off. And yes, we’re still offering flax seed-filled aromatherapy eye pillows FREE with each halter top sale.
So, now you’re really set to get yourself here, the Bellevue Club Bazaar from 10:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 21.
We can’t wait to see you when you come by and say hi!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Halter Hotties Fantasy: “Once Upon A Midnight Blood”

Like Dove Chocolates, Project Runway, and halter tops, the vampire series has sucked us in, mesmerizing us even before we gazed into Robert Pattinson’s delightfully moody eyes.
And now that we’re less than a week from the cinema opening of New Moon, our daydreams have run away with us…

a little trip to Forks inspired by Halter Hotties' Midnight Blood silk halter top.

The air was heavy with a moist chill as she huddled into her vintage velvet coat, pulling the collar up to protect her cold and vulnerable neck. As the ferry neared its destination, she felt a compulsion she couldn’t understand, a need to feel
the environment that drew her inexorably to her fate.

The breeze swirled her skirt ( ) against her hose, creating goosebumps on her thighs. As she disembarked the water craft, she felt a shiver run the course of her spine, followed by a heat of longing deep in her solar plexus, a heat that
traveled with a slow, determined weight further down her core.

He was here. She could feel him.
She stopped, her head slowly turned on its own volition, and her eyes locked on a pair of seductive eyes, eyes that beckoned, apologized, and asked for nothing all at once.
“You’ve come,” his low, quiet voice came through the mist to her soul: had he even said anything? Did she hear him only in her mind?
“I’m thirsty,” she whispered.
She stepped into the warmth of his car, and didn’t question the destination.
The car stopped on a deserted road, hidden in the many intertwined limbs of huge old-growth trees.
She shivered again, and a curious sense of desire overcame her fear.
“Cold?” he asked wordlessly, and she shook her head, aware suddenly that she was burning with the heat of fever.
“Have this,” he offered, pulling a flask out of his coat, where it had lain in its pocket, nestled against his breast. She looked at the flask and met his penetrating gaze.
She should have asked about the crimson liquid in the ornate pewter-encased glass container. She shouldn’t have opened the top, handed it to him, and rested the flask to her lips.
She shouldn’t have swallowed.
At once, every cell in her body vibrated, energized as never before. She became liquid and fire, life and lust.
She turned to him and handed him the flask and turned away. She opened the car door and glanced back at him, inviting him into her with his eyes. In the light of the moon she untied the belt around her waist and allowed her coat to fall off her shoulders, allowed it to pool around her feet.
Still in the car, watching mesmerized as she stood with her back to him, he gasped at the expanse of pale, exposed flesh tempting him.

The halter top she wore allowed him the kind of access he would never have dreamed about or dared to ask for.
She turned around and seduced him with her smile, luring him out of the safety of his car.
He walked toward her, his thoughts as blood-red as the silk of her top; she turned her head and stretched her neck coyly.
“How do you like my top?” she asked impishly.
“uh. Wow.”
She giggled; for a man who communicated directly to her brain, he wasn’t being particularly eloquent right now.
Then again, he was a man entranced.
“It’s a Halter Hotties,” she murmured, right as his lips, mouth, tongue, and finally, teeth, met her warm and welcoming flesh.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Holiday Bazaar Goes Hottie with Addition of Halter Hotties Halter Tops!
Quick! Check your calendar.
Yep, right there. “November 21.” Cancel that other thing that’s there.
Well, no, your girls’ day out is important, so go ahead, bring all your friends and make a grand day out of it in Bellevue. From 10 a.m.. – 4 p.m. the prestigious Bellevue Club is having their annual
Holiday Bazaar (check out this link for directions http://www.bellevueclub.com/FindUs/PrintableMap.pdf) and Halter Hotties are so there! We’re bringing a fab selection of halter tops and other accessory items so you can get yourself hooked up with a perfectly hot, perfectly unique piece that will help you stand out amidst a sea of sparkly holiday revelers this year.
And as an added, “our hearts are warm with the season” bonus, we’re throwing in free aromatherapy pillows with each Halter Hotties top purchase, so you can either relax with the blissful sensation of fine fabric, flax seed, and fragrance or you can gift that sensation to a loved one.
And here’s a thought: if all of your girlfriends buy Halter Tops, and all of them receive pillows, then maybe you can all give each other the gift of bliss?
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, see you in Bellevue on Saturday the 21st!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halter Hotties Help Make Bellevue’s Spirits Bright with Luxuriously Elegant Halter Tops
Think about it. Wear that warm and wooly reindeer sweater to your next festive holiday event and what’ll you get? An itchy, itchy rash and plenty of odd looks.
Wear one of our fabulous, silky-sexy, one-of-a-kind pieces and what’ll you get?

Experts say the results will range from admiring glances to indecent proposals.
Here in the Northwest you’ll soon have a chance to see and buy a wide range of Halter Hotties goodies when we journey over the river and through the woods to Bellevue for the Bellevue Club Bazaar from
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 21.
This is not your grandmother’s holiday Bazaar: artists, artisans and a wide range of specialty craft providers will join forces at Bellevue’s premiere health and fitness club (complete with luxury hotel!)
The Bazaar had a two-year hiatus while the space was undergoing renovation, and we’re anticipating that it’s going to be an amazing event. Check out the map and directions through this link: http://www.bellevueclub.com/FindUs/PrintableMap.pdf
And lest we forget! Since we’re so overcome by the spirit of the giving season, we’re offering up one of our aromatherapy eye pillows (retail value $24) for each Halter Hotties top sale. Flax seed gives each one of these pillows the perfect weight; iced or warmed up they’re a great stress-reducer for yourself or a fabulously unique gift idea!
Smell that?
That’s the magic of the holidays!
Experience it with us on November 21 at the Bellevue Club Holiday Bazaar!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halter Hotties say: Halter tops in cold weather? Heck Yeah!
Think LEGS! I know, we’re all about the halter tops, but imagine this Halter Hotties':
Start with this sumptuous silk, English Rose,
add a short little brown skirt, and find orange tights. Or yellow tights, red tights, purple, whatever. Don’t be scared, it’s okay: look at what they’re doing on the runway.
Grab a leather jacket (think, fitted biker) and Jungle Cat

some distressed jeans and killer, high-heeled boots. Prepare to stalk your prey.
Aiming for a more “corporate slayer” image? Find that fitted black blazer and matching pencil skirt. Grab Siren Call
and a pair of –you guessed it—killer high heels. Prepare to meet that glass ceiling and shatter it. Later, take off that jacket and head to a restaurant you love with that guy whose job you covet. Have a fabulous glass of wine and filet mignon, fireside, after your workday is done. Forget golf-course office politics, go with main course office politics!
So you already landed the fellow, but need the fire? Ramp up the romance in He Loves Me…

Pair with your favorite cashmere cardigan and a flirty, floaty skirt, and watch the sparks ignite!
Dominatrix fun keeps your sparks popping? Find those killer boots, a short-but-sweet black pencil skirt, this top Zen Master
and your leather jacket. He’ll be your willing slave, you can be his master. Just make sure he says it, “thank you Ms. Hottie master, may I have another?”