Friday, September 25, 2009

Halter Hotties, Up To Her Eyeballs in Vera

Fall is in the air and my wife is in the basement…

As the first day of autumn is finally upon us, Kim is downstairs in her studio sorting through the 200 Vera scarves she bought from a collector and friend yesterday. She picked some truly beautiful ones and is very excited about the Halter Tops they will soon become.

So why isn’t she here posting this blog? Well, because she's downstairs with 200 new scarves!

In the best tradition of a loving partnership, it has fallen to me (the Hottie Husband) to step up to the plate and give her the opportunity to actually get some halters made.

With any luck I'll get a kiss on the cheek for my attempt and not the arched eyebrow that lets me know I have serious rewrite ahead of me.

Wish me luck!

Jaymz Alexander, The Hottie Husband.


  1. Ah,the raised eyebrow, classic! Thankfully, you are a good writer... and Hottie husband. Can't wait to visit and see all the new tops. Stephanie

  2. Thanks Miss Steph ~ Hope we see you soon!!
