Well, my favorite color is… shall we say, a bit… involved. Just like the best things in life, Persimmon can be somewhat elusive and hard to capture. The problem (that it is many colors in one; Pinks, Corals & Oranges) & the joy of persimmon is that, for me, it’s part memory. I first fell in love with Persimmon at Grandma’s.
Throughout the day, my cousin & I would occupy ourselves with helping grandma in the garden, exploring the attic rooms for lost treasure or strolling through the neighborhood, marveling over the giant monkey tree at the end of the block. But, the real magic started in the early evening when the Lawrence Welk reruns came on the T.V. (yes, I was young, but even at that age I knew, you only watched the Lawrence Welk show at grandma’s and the unspoken vow between Shell & I was, you did not mention this to anyone beyond grandma’s living room.)
When the dancers began flitting across the screen, it was our cue to prepare for our evening’s recital. We would disappear into grandma’s bedroom and after much debate over which negligee & costume jewels would best suit each of us, we’d reappear, announcing… “Our show is about to begin”. (In other words… Gramma ~ Grampa, get in here, sit down and prepare to be amazed!)
The awe inspiring spectacle would commence, flowing from behind the bedroom door we would twirl & prance throughout the living room, into the dining room and back to the bedroom for our first of many costume changes.
As any great variety show performer knows, the costume change is what it’s all about… Such was the beginning of my fascination with the color, Persimmon. With an abundance of chiffon, it was the negligee I most often chose. I was captured by it’s many translucent layers of peach, orange, coral and pink, the combined colors transformed into a lush PERSIMMON… My favorite color.

( This purse just makes me smile. It literately embodies Grandma's 1960 bathroom. Glossy Pink with gold accents, love it :)

First, thank you so much for the publicity of one of my favorite pair of earrings!!! They rock with your exquisite halter!!!! The handbag...well everything, is lush...lovely..gorgeous!!!!!! I have only glanced at your website and this blog, but will find some time in the wee hours of the morning to explore and savor all of your delectables!!!