Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun at a Halter Hotties Photo Shoot

1. What fuels a Halter Hotties photo shoot?

Makeup (not consumed) and caffeine (consumed.) Champagne comes later…

2. Primping and preening in The Space before the photo-fun begins!

3. Willow Eskridge sets up the composition of the shot…

4. …and shoots!

5. Finished product?

Fabulously decadent; fantastically "Hottie".

Thanks so much to Willow ~ Willow's Photography…, Athena ~ Athena Renee Artistry, and models Nicci Montgomery and Janina Phyllis Veronika with extra props to Brienne Decker, who doubled as hair-goddess for our undertaking.

1 comment:

  1. So much talent in one city. Could Tacoma be the new Paris? Maybe so, maybe so...
