At Halter Hotties, we believe that women can be strong and soft; sexy and practical. We know we can be amazing nurturers while also taking care of business.
In creating Halter Hotties, I’ve melded these sides, creating a business that enables me to produce a product that makes customers feel good while I nurture my family, and help guide my daughter to believe in her dreams.
I’ve discovered a way to help promote moms in business in the Start Up Nation Leading Moms in Business contest, where I’m now a contestant.
Please help me to spread the girl power by voting for me here: http://www.startupnation.com/leading-moms-in-business/contestant/8028/index.php. It’s an easy little button click— want to get a daily dose of good Karma? Do it every day!
Thanks for your support!!

Kim Alexander
HALTER HOTTIES ~ Wicked, one-of-a-kind blouse halter tops
HALTER HOTTIES ~ Wicked, one-of-a-kind blouse halter tops
Blogging at: http://www.halterhotties.blogspot.com
Facebook Fans: http://companies.to/halterhotties/
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Facebook Fans: http://companies.to/halterhotties/
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/halterhotties
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