Friday, June 18, 2010

Halter Hotties Shopping Just Got a New Face(book)!

Ah, facebook: How do we Halter Hotties love you? Too many ways to count.

But now we can add another reason to add hearts next to facebook: Shopping!!

Now you can go to your favorite catching-up-with-old-friends, finding-local-activities, playing-Farmville-bejeweled-and-Mafia-Wars site and you’re just a click away from finding a box full of Halter-Hotties-lovin’ in the mail!

Yep! That’s right!

You can shop for Halter Hotties on facebook and what’s more, if you’re our fan (or “like” us) you can qualify for 10% off –and you can see exclusive hottie-ness first!!

So you can be all kinds of local, ecological, and lovely (while never leaving the comfort of your home!)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Halter Hotties + Garden Bon Bons = Inspiration

Even while we’re working away indoors, we Halter Hotties dream of playing in the garden (or at the very least, enjoying the fruits of the labors of others.)

Our friend Anne of Moulton created a fabulously fun way to plant a little fun, and we feel the need to share some of our own Garden Bon-Bon inspired daydreams…

We imagine ourselves arriving at the housewarming of a good friend, dressed in casual linen shorts and Halter Hotties,Unforgettable. We know she’ll love the idea of popping some Herbal Tea bon bons in a planter on her deck. And we’ll give her future ideas for fetes with our message in the attachment card: “Can’t wait to be invited to your tea party!”

We imagine tucking a few Garden Pops into a gorgeous glazed planting pot, along with a few gardening basics: pretty gloves, floral pruning shears, maybe a book on garden basics for the new bride and groom. We love that this perfect gift works as symbol for the two cultivating their relationship together, and we love that our blouse, Blue Danube
is the perfect blend of floral, flirty, and fun, just as ideal for the occasion as the gift we’ve given.

We imagine hosting our own garden affair… decked out in Tiffany Blue, we’re fresh as the Garden Bon-Bon herbs that punctuate the food we’re serving. We offer up a little bon-bon theme to the party, with layered citrus-juice ice cubes in our hibiscus tea, orange sherbet bon-bons for dessert, and --of course! Garden Bon Bons as favors for our guests to take away with them…

Monday, June 14, 2010

South Sound Kudos!

So when our friend JCB was chatting us up for a piece she was working up, we at Halter Hotties knew we’d be seeing ourselves in print at some point in the future. But we’ve been so busy creating and brainstorming that we were caught off guard when we opened the summer issue of South Sound Magazine and saw ourselves in living color and nearly larger than life.

We’re so grateful for Jeff Hobson’s amazing images and the words Jessica Corey-Butler wrote, but mostly we’re speechless in awe of the beautiful spread South Sound Magazine did on us.

We blush with embarrassment (but we love, love, LOVE ! it!!!)

Thanks, Lisa Patterson et al, for all you’ve done and for all you do in putting together a great local product with and for real south sound-ers!!